Monday, March 8, 2010

pot of gold

if I was so lucky to find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow the first thing that i would do with it is turn it in for money. Then when I get the money I think that I would open up my own business depending on how much money it was and i would alo pay for my education in full andalso my childrens education. I would share a great chunk of it with family and treat myself to a nice vacation. which is really needed. About time I do all of these tings I think that the money will be all liquid.

Monday, February 22, 2010

america loves the olympics

well i dont know to much about the olympics, but I do know that there has been a lot of coverage on espn. I really feel bad about the guy that died. The one that hit the pole going down the ice slide or whatever you call it. I think that there should have been something to cover that pole even though he did ultimitly crash like really bad. I also think that the winter olympics may be getting alittle bit to much publicity because lets be honest its just the olympics and there are much more important issues out there inn the world that can be made public instead of hush hush. But all in all the olympics do bring in the big bucks because just about everybody loves it and what would this world be with out money? The guy stephen colbert does have a crazy type of way in seeing things with the way that he feels about the olympics I kinda feel him though america does go to war with everyone at once they are out there fighting to win the medal with all different types of countries. so it does kinda feel like there at war with the wol=rld at once.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

paid vacation

If I had all expences paid and I have to take one person with me i would take my boyfriend. I would go to an exclusive island somewhere very small because i dont think that i would want to be bothered much. also small islands tend to be more extravagant than those that are larger. I would take my boyfriend because i know that he would take me if he had the chance and plus we work really hard as parents so we need and deserve a vacation